Featured Sales of the Week

Thea's Vintage Living Estate Sales

2 day Estate Sale
Sherwood Collectors Estate Sale


Casciato Estate Sales and Services

3 day Estate Sale

Bigfoot Estate Sales

3 day Estate Sale
Incredible Antique Collectors Sale in Kalama WA (ROUND 1)



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"Holy Cow!!!!!! Boy, did we have a great turnout for our sale. The first two hours were nothing but a blur. People were hauling stuff out by the armloads...I asked people how they heard about the sale and about 80% said they saw it on your web site...I definitely got my money’s worth. Everyone liked the pictures, too."

"I definitely hope to use estate-sale finder to post another sale, and on a weekly basis I rely heavily upon it to locate sales for my business; it's an incredibly helpful service. Thank you!"